Saturday, 27 February 2021

Manaiakalani Challenge 3: Screenshots

 Here's a tip about screenshots, Ctrl+Windows

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Number of the day.

This is my Number of the day 3 digit.  Here is the link

Typing test

Rm 13 started off our day with friendly typing test to warm up our fingers for the work we need to complete.


Monday, 22 February 2021

“Daily 5 Poster”


This is my Daily 5 poster of the things I need In my Daily 5. Can you do something better than this?

Saturday, 20 February 2021

One |of the Summer learning Journey Top 10

 This is one of my summer learning Journey activities. The colouring book. Can you do something like this or better?

Friday, 19 February 2021



Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Book review on: Old Hu-Hu

 This is one of my favourite books I read at home. Hope you like it. :) 

Number of the day

This my Number of the day  lets see if u can do better than me.

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Maths score on Speed skills


Pigpen Cipher

 Talofa Lava this is one of the activities of Top Ten Summer learning Journey post from the Manaiakalani. This was a pretty hard task to do but I did it I finished this one.

Malo e le lei this is my Book Review on the Book called Square, It's about a Panda and his friends that have square eyes because they watch to many Television. I wonder why we humans don't get square eyes? If you can do this I think you can do better! 😊