Tuesday 2 April 2019

what we did today.


Today we learned about a game called the floating people well it was last week & I was no here last week so I was not in a group any of them.But I’m here this week & I had a go but then we lost all because I couldn't type to.But I had a go but last week’s winners are Vika, Mele Ema,Atawhai so that means Rm 9 won for all of the rounds so give big hand to Vika,Mele,Ema,and.Atawhai are winners from last week.Here are some picture’s from last week.

What I did in the weekend's

Date: 02/04/2019  
What I did in the weekends is go to church on Sunday & on Saturday we went to the night  markets.At the night markets,my dad bought me twister fries and sushi & my brother got a burrito & butter chicken.My dad got a duck & chicken en than we got donuts with some sweet poured. After that we had frozen's but mixed with blueberry and lime and we saved the rest of the food for Sunday to for breakfast in the morning.& that's my weekend.