On Thursday me and my brother helped my mother clean the kitchen. We cleaned the kitchen with a magic eraser. Mother told us to do a station each . I did the door and William did the cupboards. It took me 2 minutes and it took William 3 minutes. After when we finished we got to do the summer learning journey. I wrote about saving the tigers and my brother William made a scorpion. Then my dad bought a new vacuum. Then at 3:00'o clock my dad had to pick up my 2 little brother's. Their names are Salesi and Hausia. They had to walk to school and walk home. When my 2 little brothers came home we ate ice-cream. It was green mint and Oreo ice-cream my favourite ice-cream. When Salesi went to sleep me, William, Hausia with our 2 neighbours balu and Masi went to play outside with our bikes having a race. When it was close to the sunset me and my 2 little brothers and my dad had to go inside the house. When it was dinner time we had corned beef and maioke that's Tongan food. We then read the scriptures then we did grateful's where we say what we are grateful for today
Then we prayed then we went to bed.
I am a learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 13 and my teacher is Mrs Fonua.
Friday, 21 December 2018
Thursday, 20 December 2018
SJL W1 Day 3 Activity 3 WWF
1. The name of the animal the World Wildlife fund is working to save is the tiger.
2. To help the tigers stay alive the world wildlife fund is protecting the tigers from the poachers from killing the tigers. To protect the tigers the world wildlife fund put cameras in the jungle where all the poachers hunt the tigers. The world wildlife fund talks to the government of many country's to talk about the poachers to stop what their doing. We can make a big difference because without the
tigers then the world would be a lesser place.
3. I feel that they have had success by protecting the animals. I think if I hear it I can spattered out.
2. To help the tigers stay alive the world wildlife fund is protecting the tigers from the poachers from killing the tigers. To protect the tigers the world wildlife fund put cameras in the jungle where all the poachers hunt the tigers. The world wildlife fund talks to the government of many country's to talk about the poachers to stop what their doing. We can make a big difference because without the
tigers then the world would be a lesser place.
3. I feel that they have had success by protecting the animals. I think if I hear it I can spattered out.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
My highlights of 2018

My favourite thing of the year is having ice blocks on a hot day.It was after kiwi sport we were so grateful for ice blocks of the year.I liked the zoo because it had so much detail. In it when we went in side the bug lab at first we thought it was kind-of scary but at second we thought it was pretty fun. we saw 2 bugs fighting and hey some bugs die by fighting.In term 1 we went swimming because you get to learn how to swim.We used are ears to listen to the teacher who is showing us what to do.Christmas is all about presents and spending time with your family and having fun.
Monday, 10 December 2018
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Monday, 3 December 2018
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Design a tile
- Alternate the small squares around the outside of the tile.
- Place the triangles and rectangle in the centre of the tile.
What is the perimeter of a small square? 20cm
What is the area of the yellow rectangle? 50cm
How many small squares do you need for the tile?12
How many triangles are the same size as one rectangle?2
How many small squares fit in side of the rectangle?2
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Today, Mr Moran took the block outside to play with skipping ropes. Mr Moran told us to sit up nicely. He demeastrayted it so we picked up the rope up and we had to do 2 jumps. We did running while we were skipping when we went to the far cone we pick up the other skipping rope and do 5 jumps and you run back to the next person. And on the other side they were doing jump in skipping with the teachers holding the rope. We had to pick a boy and a girl to go in the finals. The fastest person was shayna Alamoti.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
My 4 favourite thing's
Hi my name is sesilia, My culture is so important because itβs a part of me. I play netball because i am good at it.I love my family because I love them.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Thank you Roots group
To:The Roots group thank you for teaching us about what water is. Water is life and life is water I learnt so much from the Roots group and teaching us how to make water cycleβs and water tanks too.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Cross country

Thursday, 20 September 2018
Raorotonga bus time table
If the bus left Cookβs Corner at 3pm, what time did it reach Muri Beach?
If Miss King left the Crown Beach resort at 5:42, How long was her trip to Mini Golf?
How long does it take to get from Muri Beach to Takitimu School on the Anti-Clockwise bus?
How many minutes is the Supermarket from the Airport on the Clockwise route?
How long does it take to get from the Whitesands Villas to Mini Golf on the Clockwise Route?
How long does it take from the Airport to the Supermarket on the Clockwise Route?
Is Muri Beach closer to Takitimu School or the Whitesands Villas?
How many minutes did it take Miss King to get to her Crown Beach Resort from the Airport?
How long does each bus wait at Cookβs Corner Terminal for before starting the route again?
Is it quicker to use the Anti-Clockwise or Clockwise Route to get to Takitimu School from the Airport?
Monday, 17 September 2018
Play day
Today we played on the playground.We played Emil, nation tag but we played it with dodge balls we had to have 2 taggers on was Adriana and Bryston.We had 3 throwers one of them was Ana, kamryn and loncoln kamryn has 2 minutes to go she got me.and the ball hurtled towards my bottom.But Marius he was fast as a cheetah and kind of like a rugby player but Marius won.He was 2 minutes to go linclon he throwed at Marius went and ran and lincoln almost got him then Marius said sike.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Friday, 7 September 2018
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
word cline
As I was on the beach I was boiling hot.
As I drank a chilly and water then I got a brain freeze
I have never seen a dolphin.
Feelings - Sad
As I was walking home I went inside and I was miserable because my aunt died.
Feelings - Happy
I feel pleased because it is a sunny day.
As I stroll along I see a horse galloping.
I saw a tiny little cute laydie bug.
When I was playing tag I tripped over and yelled help help.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Ina joins in

The poly strong challeng
The poly strong challenge means it is as you are dancing to the song.It does not matter if you are different.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
My fun weekend
On Saturday I went to my church it was fun.The samoan ward went first.The Samoan ward did a cowboy dance.I thought that was cool.Next was the panmure ward.They did a bollywood dance.It was crazy cool.The next ward was the GI ward,They did a fun one.It was a rock and roll dance.Next was the Stone fields ward my ward is the Stone fields ward.We danced to rockin robin and rock around the clock.Now the Sine ward did a sixty twist dance.After that we ate pizza bread and butter and had a big feast.

Friday, 24 August 2018
weight lifting
The race
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
The warrior's
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Friday, 3 August 2018
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
Monday, 30 July 2018
Monday, 23 July 2018
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Friday, 15 June 2018
My Matariki Story
Once upon a time there were 7 sisters so the 7 sisters they made kites. The first sister made her kite out of the harakeke bush. The second sister made hers out of raupo bush.manuke tree.puriri tree. The fifth sister made hers out of the color of the river. Sixth sister made her one out of toetoe bush. The seventh sister made hers out of a rambow. Then the 7 sisters went up with their kites to the hill to fly their kite when they went to the hill there was no wind. The 7 sisters tied there kites on a tree then the 7 sisters had a sleep. Then the sister matariki woke up and she cried then all the sister wake up and they looked everywhere for them then they saw them in the sky the big sister said those are our star Matariki.
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Thursday, 7 June 2018
The old rusty and dusty house
One day a fisherman was on his ship searching in the middle of the ocean, looking for fish to catch. He saw a house Surrounded with seagulls and the house was old,rusty,and dusty. He went inside and checked if there were any people inside but there were no people inside but they were not people they were water pirates and they had swords and hooks on their hands.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
making catapults out of energey

On monday we made catapults out of popsicles and sellotape.Then we had a ware and I shoot my pompom on top of miss kingβs forehead she went like ahhhhhhhh. And I smiled when I did it after that we had ware fight.Me and the girls when miss king said go I shoot it in the box and I got in the finallelse and the girls lost the boys won.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
mufti and wheels day

On Friday at lunchtime my friend Kamryn she was wring mafti and I was wring my mafti to we had to pay a gold coin which is a one daler or tow daler I had 4 dalers kamryn had 1. We rasde it for the year 8 camp. All the kids brang there wheels to have fun. Next our teachers put our wheels away where we can not find it. At home time we had to pack up. so much My best part was playing I felt so happy it was really fun today my best day ever with my friends.
My kaitiaki
We have been working on this animaston I will show you how much time I did .
thanks you for wachting.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Thank you to Wolf Fisher
Dear Wolf Fisher thank you for the lovely yummy wonderful pizza and thank you for the beef and Unions and the Hawaii pizza and cheese pizza.
Thank you Wolf Fisher for the pizza.
From Sesilia your fantastic fan.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Friday, 16 March 2018
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